Can you help with some research?
|One of the most important aspects of drug law reform is the work of academics who seek to conduct research into the impacts of current drug policy itself. Dr. Jaime Waters and Dr. David Moxon are two people who have sought to research the impact of non-problematic drug use in people aged over 40 and how these people experience their lives. As LEAP UK’s secretary with a keen interest in academia, I am very passionate about their work and feel that it is a much-needed contribution. I also seek to reassure potential participants that any research given the go ahead by a university such as Sheffield Hallam must be cleared by an ethics committee; so any promises of anonymity and protection will be rigorously upheld by the researchers.
This research is aimed at people who live in Canada so please tweet, retweet or share. Their first book on this subject, Illegal Drug Use Through The Lifecourse, was incredibly useful in highlighting that not all drug use causes issues for people and indeed, many people aged over 40 use drugs without ever experiencing dependence. Also as an aside our chairman Neil Woods was invited to speak at their book launch!
Are you aged 40 or over?
Have you used an illegal drug (including cannabis) in the last year?
We are two researchers at Sheffield Hallam University in the United Kingdom – Dr Jaime Waters and Dr David Moxon. As part of a research project we are hoping to interview people living in Canada who are over the age of 40 and who have used an illegal drug (including cannabis/marijuana) during the past year. We are particularly interested in interviewing people who have used illegal drugs at various points in their lives and who are not ‘problem users’. Our research in the UK has uncovered many illegal drug users who combine their use with otherwise conventional pursuits such as raising a family and having a career (
The interview itself will consist of demographic questions and questions about drug use over time. It should take approximately one hour. In order to protect interviewees’ identity, all identifying factors will be omitted from the transcription, the recording will be erased at the end of the research project and any publications based upon the research will be wholly anonymised. Participants will not have to answer any questions that they feel uncomfortable with.
To arrange an interview or ask any questions, please email us. Interviews can be conducted in person, via Skype or over the phone.
Please see our academic profiles at the addresses below:
HI my name is Stephen Mann. I fit most of your requirements except I’m only 36 but I had a family young. Let me know if I can help.
Why only Canada if you are at Sheffield University? Free air fares or what?
The researchers conducted a study into the non problematic drug use of people aged over 40 in the UK and published a book on this phenomenon which is referenced in the blog post.
Dr. Jaime Waters is originally from Canada and takes a keen interest in drug policy there and pretty much everywhere else. Also interviews can be conducted via Skype to enable full participation.
I hope this answers your query and I want to thank you for your interest in this research. If you could see fit to share the advertisement on your own social media channels I would be so grateful. Research such as this which seeks to highlight how many people use drugs on a regular basis with no problems is so important to furthering the debate re the unfairness and ineffectiveness of punitively sanctioning drug users
I am 47 and have used many drugs on and off my entire adult life with pretty much no detrimental effects. I wiuld be happy to be interviewed.