Neil Woods Talks Psychoactive Substances Ban
|A fortnight before the recent announcement of intentions to ban all new psychoactive substances (or, more inaccurately but commonly “legal highs”), BBC Hereford and Worcester interviewed Neil Woods about the topic. He warned that Organised Crime Groups are the people most looking forward to a ban.
Incidentally, the market trader in this story, who was not breaking any laws at this point, has since been banned from his Worcester market stall for his part in this program. It seems his honesty has cost him dear and we wish him well in his appeal against this decision.
I am so pleased to hear such common sense from the otherside of the drugs world. Legislation and prohibition will only put money in the pockets of some of the most dangerous people in the world! I bet ISIS has already got a plan in place to make money from our fears.
Yes I strongly disagree with legal highs, but education rather than legislation stands a better chance of being effective. It is human nature to walk on the grass when someone sticks up a sign “Keep off”.
What a load of rubbish, you have no clue whatsoever, people like you who write these books infuriate me beyond belief.
I am glad that someone finally sees the side of drugs not as being “do it once and youre hooked”, but as the potential reality of that stigma ultimately causing people who may have tried a substance once to then believe that because they tried it, they are now “bad”, “addicts”, etc. When you combine such a mindset with the knowledge of the escapism&temporary relief that occurs if intoxicated, this results in a pattern of downward-spiralling addiction.
‘In your dreams’ I’m sure he Does have a clue probably more than most people. 14 years undercover, I’m sure he wasn’t checking his social media 24/7 and watching Jeremy Kyle!!
Leah dest3at…Re0;rhank you for the wonderful story….we are so glad you found us and, in doing that, brought us a joy we never expected, at a time in all our lives that we needed to experience!!! We love you and Mark so much and we see daily the happiness you bring to Debi.
‘In your dreams’ I’m sure he Does have a clue probably more than most people. 14 years undercover, I’m sure he wasn’t checking his social media 24/7 and watching Jeremy Kyle!! Plus chairman at LEAP UK
I listened to Neil Woods on Radio 4 and he made perfect sense. People are always going to take drugs but if there is a safe and legal government sponsored place for them to get them a lot of crime will automatically drop. The War on Drugs doesn’t work.